Set text in TextView using Html.fromHtml
Html.fromHtml(String source)
now Deprecated from Api-24.
From Api-24 this method changed to
Html.fromHtml(String source,int flags)
So we can use like below from Api 24
txtvw.setText(Html.fromHtml("<p align=right> <b> "
+ "Hi!" + " <br/> <font size=6>"
+ " How are you "+"</font> <br/>"
+ "I am fine" + " </b> </p>"),Html.FROM_HTML_MODE_LEGACY);
The way you used the <br>
tag is inappropriate. Use the following:
txtvw.setText(Html.fromHtml("<p align=right> <b> "
+ "Hi!" + " <br/> <font size=6>"
+ " How are you "+"</font> <br/>"
+ "I am fine" + " </b> </p>"));
It should be <br/>
and not </br>
I have tested this code and it displays the 3 lines as expected.