Setting cookies before browser.get

addCookie with newer Protractor versions (tested with 5.4.2) takes an object of type IWebDriverOptionsCookie instead.

Note: to fetch the cookie use getCookies


browser.manage().addCookie({ name: 'foo', value: 'bar' });

IWebDriverOptionsCookie documentation:

interface IWebDriverOptionsCookie {
  /** The name of the cookie. */
  name: string;

  /** The cookie value. */
  value: string;

  /** The cookie path. Defaults to "/" when adding a cookie. */
  path?: string;

   * The domain the cookie is visible to. Defaults to the current browsing
   * context's document's URL when adding a cookie.
  domain?: string;

   * Whether the cookie is a secure cookie. Defaults to false when adding a new
   * cookie.
  secure?: boolean;

   * Whether the cookie is an HTTP only cookie. Defaults to false when adding a
   * new cookie.
  httpOnly?: boolean;

   * When the cookie expires.
   * When adding a cookie, this may be specified in seconds since Unix epoch (January 1, 1970).
   * The expiry will default to 20 years in the future if omitted.
   * The expiry is always returned in seconds since epoch when
   * retrieving cookies from the browser.
   * @type {(!Date|number|undefined)}
  expiry?: number | Date;

I found the solution in the Protractor Getting Started doc:

browser.driver.get('http://' + domain + '/');
browser.manage().addCookie('foo', 'boo', '/', domain);

Note the browser.driver.get instead of browser.get. This will prevent Protractor looking for the Angular app and cookies can be set. I then use another browser.get inside of it statement.