Setting matplotlib colorbar range

Arg. It's always the last thing you try:

quadmesh.set_clim(vmin=0, vmax=15)


Matplotlib 1.3.1 - It looks like the colorbar ticks are only drawn when the colorbar is instanced. Changing the colorbar limits (set_clim) does not cause the ticks to be re-drawn.

The solution I found was to re-instance the colorbar in the same axes entry as the original colorbar. In this case, axes[1] was the original colorbar. Added a new instance of the colorbar with this designated with the cax= (child axes) kwarg.

           # Reset the Z-axis limits
           print "resetting Z-axis plot limits", self.zmin, self.zmax
           self.cbar = self.fig.colorbar(CS1, cax=self.fig.axes[1]) # added
           self.cbar.set_clim(self.zmin, self.zmax)