Setting up sublime text 2 with activeperl?

This worked for me, taken from:

  1. Click "Preferences -> Browse Packages"
  2. Navigate to the "Perl" subfolder
  3. Create a file called "Perl.sublime-build" with the following content:
      "cmd": ["perl", "-w", "$file"],
      "file_regex": ".* at (.*) line ([0-9]*)",
      "selector": "source.perl"
  1. Manually set the build system by clicking "Tools -> Build System -> Perl"
  2. You can now run your Perl script by mashing Ctrl+B

I am running this version of ActiveState Perl:

C:\>perl --version
Binary build 1402 [295342] provided by ActiveState
Built Oct  7 2011 15:49:44