Setting up TexMaker on Ubuntu "biblatex.sty not found."

This was clearly not the problem for OP, but since I came here via Googling, this might help future suffers of this message.

On my system (Linux Mint 17.2), my texlive installation didn't include biber and I had to run:

sudo apt-get install texlive-bibtex-extra biber

after which all ran fine.

So the solution was rather simple. Click on Options->Configure TexMaker. From there click on the "Tex Build" button. The go to the field "User" and enter the following: pdflatex %.tex | biber % | pdflatex %.tex | evince %.pdf This will then generate your pdf document from your Tex file and show the output to you

Here is a screen shot of the change needed.

enter image description here

