Shoot the ASCII Moon

GolfScript, -153





  • 97 bytes of source code: +97
  • Shooting the Sun: -250

Try it online.

How it works

Since the code block (lambda, anonymous function)


does not contain any syntax errors, it will be pushed on the stack and printed verbatim if left on it. The linefeed is required to end the comment that # started.

Finally, ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789 is an undefined token; it does nothing.

C++, 310

Well, I started this without realizing that @ and backticks are totally disallowed in C++ source. Posting it even though it's a very poor entry as it stands, in case anybody knows a way out. Is there a compiler that would allow these characters in symbol names?

int main(int bgjkpqvwxyzBCDFGHJKLNPQUVWXYZ$){\
for(char _='!';_<127;++_){_==48?_=58:_==65||_==98-1.?_+=26:!~_^_&_*_%3,""[0];std::cout<<_;}}//
  • 160 bytes
  • 5 * 30 unique symbolic characters = 150 point penalty

Edit: -90

Leaving the above because it's a little more interesting than the following, which uses an unused #define to sneak in the missing symbols.

#define bgjkpqvwxyzBCDFGHJKLNPQUVWXYZ !"#$%&'*,-./@[\]^`~
int main(){for(char _=33;_<127;++_){_==48?_=58:_==65||_==97?_+=26:_;std::cout<<_;}}
  • 160 bytes
  • Shooting the sun, -250 points

CJam, -66


Prints every symbol exactly once, without any extraneous whitespace.


  • 34 bytes of source code: +34
  • Shooting the Moon: -100

Try it online.

How it works

Since the code block (lambda, anonymous function) {'"#$%&()*.+,-/:!;<=>?@[\]^_`|~} does not contain any syntax errors, it will be pushed on the stack and printed verbatim if left on it.

Since " only appears in the character literal '", we also push an emoty string as "", which won't affect the output.