Shortest Unique Substrings

Python 3, 124 123 111 96 bytes

f=lambda s,n=1:[x for x in[s[i:i+n]for i in range(len(s)+1)]if s.find(x)==s.rfind(x)]or f(s,n+1)

Looks for strings such that the first occurrence from the left is the same as the first occurrence from the right. The +1 in the range is to accommodate for the empty string case.

Now if only Python had a .count() which counted overlapping matches, then this would have been a fair bit shorter.

Mathematica, 95 94 79 bytes


StringCases gets me all possible substrings, the Tally and Cases filter out those that appear more than once and MinimalBy finds those that are shortest.

GolfScript, 44 bytes


Takes input as a string on stdin and outputs in a double-array syntax: e.g. [["b"] ["c"]]. Online demo


:S;          # Store input in S and pop it
-1:x         # Store -1 in x
{            # do-while loop
  ;          #   Pop x the first time and [] every subsequent time
  S,x):x-),  #   Increment x and build an array [0 1 ... len(S)-x]
  {S>x<}%    #   Map that array to [substr(S,0,x) substr(S,1,x) ...]
  :^         #   Store in ^ (to avoid the token coalescing with the next char)
  1/         #   Split by length 1 to iterate over 1-elt arrays rather than strings
  {^\/,2=},  #   Filter to arrays which occur exactly once as a subarray of ^
  .!         #   Duplicate and test emptiness
}do          # end do-while loop: loop if the filtered array is empty
`            # Stringify for output

This is arranged such that no special case is required for the empty string (which I've included as a test case in the online demo linked above).