String to Binary

Python 3, 41 bytes

print(*[bin(ord(x))[2:]for x in input()])

Like KSFT's answer, but I thought I'd point out that, in addition to raw_input -> input, Python 3 also has an advantage here due to the splat for print.

CJam, 8 bytes



l:i           "Read the input line and convert each character to its ASCII value";
   2fb        "Put 2 on stack and use that to convert each ASCII value to base 2";
      S*      "Join the binary numbers by space";

Try it here

Pyth, 10 bytes


Python mapping and explanation:

j           # join(                               "Join by space"
 d          #      d,                             "this space"
 m          #      Pmap(lambda d:                 "Map characters of input string"
  j         #                    join(            "Join by empty string"
   k        #                        k,           "this empty string"
    j       #                        join(        "This is not a join, but a base conversion"
     C      #                             Pchr(   "Convert the character to ASCII"
      d     #                                  d  "this character"
            #                                 ),
     2      #                             2       "Convert to base 2"
            #                            )
            #                        ),
  z         #           z)))                      "mapping over the input string"

Input is the string that needs to be converted without the quotes.

Try it here