SignalR Get Caller IP Address
With SignalR 2.0, Context.Request
doesn't have Items
anymore (at least not what I saw). I figured out how it works now. (You can reduce the if / else part to a ternary operator if you like.)
protected string GetIpAddress()
string ipAddress;
object tempObject;
Context.Request.Environment.TryGetValue("server.RemoteIpAddress", out tempObject);
if (tempObject != null)
ipAddress = (string)tempObject;
ipAddress = "";
return ipAddress;
According to source code no, there is no such property in HubCallerContext.
The problem with HttpContext.Request.Current.UserHostAddress
is that HttpContext.Request.Current
is null if you're self-hosting.
The way you get it in the current version of SignalR (the 'dev' branch as of 12/14/2012) is like so:
protected string GetIpAddress()
var env = Get<IDictionary<string, object>>(Context.Request.Items, "owin.environment");
if (env == null)
return null;
var ipAddress = Get<string>(env, "server.RemoteIpAddress");
return ipAddress;
private static T Get<T>(IDictionary<string, object> env, string key)
object value;
return env.TryGetValue(key, out value) ? (T)value : default(T);
You used to be able to get it through Context.ServerVariables
protected string GetIpAddress()
var ipAddress = Context.ServerVariables["REMOTE_ADDR"];
return ipAddress;
That was a lot simpler, but they removed it for reasons I don't entirely understand.