Spring Security - Ownership based access

For a simple get operation you can just return the post linked to your current logged in user

public Post getPost(Authentication authentication) {
    return service.getPostByUser(authentication.getName());

For updating an existing post, you can check within the PreAuthorize if the creator is the logged in user. authentication.getName() gives back an email in my example

@PreAuthorize("#post.getCreator() == authentication.getName()")
public void update(@RequestBody Post post, Authentication authentication) {

Basic example of the @Component way

private CreatorCheck creatorCheck;

public void update(@RequestBody Post post, Authentication authentication) {

And the component.. Can be extended to retrieve the original Post and check that creator..

public class CreatorCheck {

    public boolean check(Post post, Authentication authentication) {
       return post.getCreator().equals(authentication.getName());

For a more comprehensive tutorial check out this tutorial link found by 0x1C1B