Sqrt disappeared when exporting plot to PDF in version 10
Looks like a bug. Stupid workaround:
Export["t:\\test.pdf", ImportString@ExportString[p, "EPS"]]
At the very least, there's a good chance that this would output reasonable vector graphics.
p = Plot[x, {x, 0, 1}, Frame -> True, FrameLabel -> {x, Sqrt[y]}]
The latter is what I usually do, anyway.
The problem seems to be when the label is rotated. Check this:
ListPlot[{1, 2, 3}, Joined -> False, Frame -> True,
FrameLabel -> {Rotate["\!\(\*SqrtBox[\(x\)]\)", \[Pi]/2],
however if you accept unrotated label, you can use:
ListPlot[{1, 2, 3}, Joined -> False, Frame -> True,
FrameLabel -> {"\!\(\*SqrtBox[\(x\)]\)", "\!\(\*SqrtBox[\(y\)]\)"},
RotateLabel -> False]]