Standard bounded metric induces same topology
Well, you can simply use the fact that $d$ and $d'$ agree on small balls. By the definition, $A\subset X$ is open iff for any $x\in A$ there exists $r>0$ such that $B(x,r)\subset A$.
Suppose that for some $x_0\in A$ and $r>0$ it holds that $B_{d'}(x_0,r)\subset A$. Then for any $q\in (0,r)$ it holds that $B_{d'}(x_0,q) \subset A$. In particular, it holds for $q = \min(\frac12,r)<1$ but then $$ B_{d'}(x_0,q) = B_d(x_0,q). $$ In similar lines you can show the converse. Equivalence of metric is sufficient for the equivalence of the induced topologies, but is not necessary.