Still requiring login after SSH authentication

I tried the answer marked as correct but couldn't make it work. This worked for me instead git remote set-url origin ssh://[email protected]/username/reponame

Check your remotes via git remote -v.

https:// URLs will always ask for a password, unless you configure a credential helper. More info on that in this question.

The simplest solution for password-less git access would be to use the git remote set-url command and set an SSH url for the existing repo.

In your case, git remote set-url origin [email protected]:name/repo.

Then you should be able to git push origin <branch> without being asked for a password.

I was able to stop the username & password prompt by opening .git/config from the base repo directory and changing the remote URL.

For example:

[remote "origin"]
    url =

should be changed to:

[remote "origin"]
    url = [email protected]:username/my-repo.git

Good that you have correctly setup your git ssh now you need to reclone the git repository with ssh for example previously you would have done something like this :

git clone

this was a https clone now you need to clone with ssh as

git clone [email protected]:dangrossman/bootstrap-daterangepicker.git

you can find the ssh link from your github account same place where you found your https link. After this you can easily push without your password prompt .

It might though ask for your ssh unlock password. You then need to enter the paraphase you gave during the creation of your ssh key . If you left it blank it might not prompt for it .


