Storing dictionary path in Python

Depending on what you need, the easiest option may be to use tuples as dictionary keys instead of nested dictionaries:

kidshair['allkids', 'child3', 'hair']
mypath = ('allkids', 'child3', 'hair')

The only issue with this is that you can't get a portion of the dictionary, so, for example, you can't (easily/efficiently) access everything to do with 'child3'. This may or may not be an appropriate solution for you depending on your usage.

An alternative with your current structure is to do something like this:

>>> from functools import partial
>>> test = {"a": {"b": {"c": 1}}}
>>> def itemsetter(item):
...     def f(name, value):
...         item[name] = value
...     return f
>>> mypath = partial(itemsetter(test["a"]["b"]), "c")
>>> mypath(2)
>>> test
{'a': {'b': {'c': 2}}}

Here we make a function itemsetter(), which (in the vein of operator.itemgetter()) gives us a function that that sets the relevant key in the given dictionary. We then use functools.partial to generate a version of this function with the key we want pre-filled. It's not quite mypath = blue either, but it's not bad.

If you don't want to bother with making something consistent to the operator module, you could simply do:

def dictsetter(item, name):
     def f(value):
         item[name] = value
     return f

mypath = dictsetter(test["a"]["b"], "c")


You could create a set of functions that accesses a 'path' for a given dictionary:

def pathGet(dictionary, path):
    for item in path.split("/"):
        dictionary = dictionary[item]
    return dictionary

def pathSet(dictionary, path, setItem):
    path = path.split("/")
    key = path[-1]
    dictionary = pathGet(dictionary, "/".join(path[:-1]))
    dictionary[key] = setItem


>>> pathGet(kidshair, "allkids/child1/hair")
>>> pathSet(kidshair, "allkids/child1/hair", "blue")
>>> kidshair['allkids']['child1']
{'hair': 'blue'}