Swift only way to prevent NSKeyedUnarchiver.decodeObject crash?
another way is to fix the name of the class used for NSCoding. You simply have to use:
NSKeyedArchiver.setClassName("List", forClass: List.self
before serializingNSKeyedUnarchiver.setClass(List.self, forClassName: "List")
before deserializing
wherever needed.
Looks like iOS extensions prefix the class name with the extension's name.
Actually, it's the reason which we should dig deeply matters. There's a possible, you create a archive path named xxx.archive, then you unarchive from the path(xxx.archive), now everything is ok. But if change target name, when you unarchive, the crash occurred!!! It's because archive&unarchive the different object(the truth is we archive&unarchive target.obj, not just the obj). so simple way is to delete the archive path or just use a different archive path. And then we should consider how avoid the crash, try-catch is our helper mentioned by rintaro.
When NSKeyedUnarchiver
encounters unknown classes, unarchiver(_:cannotDecodeObjectOfClassName:originalClasses:)
delegate method is called.
The delegate may, for example, load some code to introduce the class to the runtime and return the class, or substitute a different class object. If the delegate returns
, unarchiving aborts and the method raises anNSInvalidUnarchiveOperationException
So, you can implement the delegate like this:
class MyUnArchiverDelegate: NSObject, NSKeyedUnarchiverDelegate {
// This class is placeholder for unknown classes.
// It will eventually be `nil` when decoded.
final class Unknown: NSObject, NSCoding {
init?(coder aDecoder: NSCoder) { super.init(); return nil }
func encodeWithCoder(aCoder: NSCoder) {}
func unarchiver(unarchiver: NSKeyedUnarchiver, cannotDecodeObjectOfClassName name: String, originalClasses classNames: [String]) -> AnyClass? {
return Unknown.self
let unarchiver = NSKeyedUnarchiver(forReadingWithData: dat)
let delegate = MyUnArchiverDelegate()
unarchiver.delegate = delegate
// -> `nil` if the root object is unknown class.
I didn't noticed that NSCoder
has extension
with more swifty methods:
extension NSCoder {
public func decodeObjectOfClass<DecodedObjectType : NSCoding where DecodedObjectType : NSObject>(cls: DecodedObjectType.Type, forKey key: String) -> DecodedObjectType?
@nonobjc public func decodeObjectOfClasses(classes: NSSet?, forKey key: String) -> AnyObject?
public func decodeTopLevelObject() throws -> AnyObject?
public func decodeTopLevelObjectForKey(key: String) throws -> AnyObject?
public func decodeTopLevelObjectOfClass<DecodedObjectType : NSCoding where DecodedObjectType : NSObject>(cls: DecodedObjectType.Type, forKey key: String) throws -> DecodedObjectType?
public func decodeTopLevelObjectOfClasses(classes: NSSet?, forKey key: String) throws -> AnyObject?
You can:
do {
try unarchiver.decodeTopLevelObjectForKey("root")
// OR `unarchiver.decodeTopLevelObject()` depends on how you archived.
catch let (err) {
// -> emits something like:
// Error Domain=NSCocoaErrorDomain Code=4864 "*** -[NSKeyedUnarchiver decodeObjectForKey:]: cannot decode object of class (MyProject.MyClass) for key (root); the class may be defined in source code or a library that is not linked" UserInfo={NSDebugDescription=*** -[NSKeyedUnarchiver decodeObjectForKey:]: cannot decode object of class (MyProject.MyClass) for key (root); the class may be defined in source code or a library that is not linked}