Syriac Abbreviation Mark

Here is a TikZ method:

\tikzstyle{zwj}=[inner sep=0pt,outer sep=0pt,anchor=base]
\tikzstyle{zwjdot}=[circle,draw,fill,inner sep=0pt,outer sep=0pt,minimum width=1pt]
      \node[zwj] (text) {#1};
      \useasboundingbox (text.base west) rectangle (text.north east);
      \draw ([yshift=2ex]text.base west) -- ([yshift=2ex]text.base east)
         node[pos=0,zwjdot] {}
         node[pos=1,zwjdot] {}
         node[pos=0.5,zwjdot] {};

foobar         & puckluck \\
\zwj{foo}bar   & \zwj{puck}luck

At this point the descenders are changing the vertical alignment. I'll try more later.

sample code output

It's implemented in the font now (per Werner's question).

abbrev mark

Random unicode input, compiled with xelatex.



%‣ numerals = western (i.e., 1234567890), eastern (for which the Oriental Arabic
%numerals are used: ١٢٣٤٥٦٧٨٩٠), or abjad.  .
%\abjadsyriac ‣ \abjadsyriac (see section 9)
%\aemph ‣ \aemph (see section 6.1).


\newfontfamily\fgfontc[Scale=2.3,Script=Syriac,Colour=green]{Noto Sans Syriac Eastern}
\newfontfamily\fgfontck[Scale=2.3,Script=Syriac,Colour=blue]{Noto Sans Syriac Eastern}\newfontfamily\fgfontd[Scale=4.5,Script=Syriac,Colour=red]{Noto Sans Syriac Eastern}
\newfontfamily\fgfontdk[Scale=4.5,Script=Syriac,Colour=blue]{Noto Sans Syriac Eastern}

\setmainfont{Noto Sans Syriac Eastern}
\newfontfamily\englishfont{Noto Serif}




Syriac font,
with \textbackslash kern and \textbackslash llap commands. 

\fgfontc ܞ܏ܞܭܬܩܨܧܦܗܡܠܡܐ\kern-1.25pt\llap{\fgfontck ܞ܏ܞܭܬܩܨܧܦܗܡܠܡܐ}


\fgfontd  ܞ܏ܞܭܬܩܨܧܦܗܡܠܡܐ\kern-1.45pt\llap{\fgfontdk ܞ܏ܞܭܬܩܨܧܦܗܡܠܡܐ}


Syriac font, regular and bold:

ܞ܏ܞܭܬܩܨܧ ܦܗܡܠܡܐ

ܞ܏ܞܭܬܩܨܧ ܦܗܡܠܡܐ 


