Syriac Abbreviation Mark
Here is a TikZ method:
\tikzstyle{zwj}=[inner sep=0pt,outer sep=0pt,anchor=base]
\tikzstyle{zwjdot}=[circle,draw,fill,inner sep=0pt,outer sep=0pt,minimum width=1pt]
\node[zwj] (text) {#1};
\useasboundingbox (text.base west) rectangle (text.north east);
\draw ([yshift=2ex]text.base west) -- ([yshift=2ex]text.base east)
node[pos=0,zwjdot] {}
node[pos=1,zwjdot] {}
node[pos=0.5,zwjdot] {};
foobar & puckluck \\
\zwj{foo}bar & \zwj{puck}luck
At this point the descenders are changing the vertical alignment. I'll try more later.
It's implemented in the font now (per Werner's question).
Random unicode input, compiled with xelatex.
%‣ numerals = western (i.e., 1234567890), eastern (for which the Oriental Arabic
%numerals are used: ١٢٣٤٥٦٧٨٩٠), or abjad. .
%\abjadsyriac ‣ \abjadsyriac (see section 9)
%\aemph ‣ \aemph (see section 6.1).
\newfontfamily\fgfontc[Scale=2.3,Script=Syriac,Colour=green]{Noto Sans Syriac Eastern}
\newfontfamily\fgfontck[Scale=2.3,Script=Syriac,Colour=blue]{Noto Sans Syriac Eastern}\newfontfamily\fgfontd[Scale=4.5,Script=Syriac,Colour=red]{Noto Sans Syriac Eastern}
\newfontfamily\fgfontdk[Scale=4.5,Script=Syriac,Colour=blue]{Noto Sans Syriac Eastern}
\setmainfont{Noto Sans Syriac Eastern}
\newfontfamily\englishfont{Noto Serif}
Syriac font,
with \textbackslash kern and \textbackslash llap commands.
\fgfontc ܞܞܭܬܩܨܧܦܗܡܠܡܐ\kern-1.25pt\llap{\fgfontck ܞܞܭܬܩܨܧܦܗܡܠܡܐ}
\fgfontd ܞܞܭܬܩܨܧܦܗܡܠܡܐ\kern-1.45pt\llap{\fgfontdk ܞܞܭܬܩܨܧܦܗܡܠܡܐ}
Syriac font, regular and bold:
ܞܞܭܬܩܨܧ ܦܗܡܠܡܐ
ܞܞܭܬܩܨܧ ܦܗܡܠܡܐ