Table and Figure side-by-side with Table caption above, Figure caption below

If you want them vertically centered, you can use \CenterFloatBoxes, as in the following example:



  {\caption{A caption for a figure in a figure and a table side by side}\label{fig:test}}
    column1a & column2a \\
    column1b & column2b \\
    column1c & column2c \\
  {\caption{A caption for a table in a figure and a table side by side}\label{tab:test}}


enter image description here

There's also \TopFloatBoxes for alignment at the top and \BottomFloatBoxes, for alignment at the bottom.

The demo option for graphicx simply replaces actual figures with black rectangles; do not use that option in your actual document.

Another solution, using package capt-of and parboxes:



  \captionof{figure}{A figure}%
  \captionof{table}[t]{A table}%
  \begin{tabular}{cc} \hline
  Author & Title \\ \hline
  Knuth & The \TeX book \\
  Lamport & \LaTeX \\ \hline
  Knuth & The \TeX book \\
  Lamport & \LaTeX \\ \hline
  Knuth & The \TeX book \\
  Lamport & \LaTeX \\ \hline
