Table with partially colored cells

Here's one of the the overkill TikZ solutions mentioned by Peter Grill. I used a modification of this solution to Gradient color in one cell of a table.



% Andrew Stacey's code from
  remember picture with id/.style={%
    remember picture,
    save picture id=#1,
  save picture id/.code={%
  if picture id/.code args={#1#2#3}{%

  \expandafter\gdef\csname save@pt@#1\endcsname{#2}%


  \pgfsys@getposition{\csname save@pt@\tmk@label\endcsname}\save@orig@pic%
  \advance\pgf@x by -\pgf@xa
  \advance\pgf@y by -\pgf@ya


\tikz[remember picture with id=#2] {#1;}}

  \begin{tikzpicture}[overlay,remember picture]%
    \fill[mycolor] ( $ (pic cs:#1) + (0pt,0.5ex) $ ) --  ( $ (pic cs:#2) + (0pt,1.9ex) $ ) -- ( $ (pic cs:#2) + (0pt,-0.8ex) $ ) --cycle ;


some text & some text & some text & some text \\
\multicolumn{1}{!{\vrule\tikzmark{start1}} c !{\vrule\tikzmark{end1}}}{some text} & \cellcolor{mycolor}some text & \cellcolor{mycolor}some text & \cellcolor{mycolor}some text \\
some text & some text & some text & some text \\


enter image description here

Here's a solution using matrix of nodes from TikZ:






    \matrix (magic) [matrix of nodes,nodes={minimum width=3cm,minimum height=1cm,draw,very thin},draw,inner sep=0]
    {   8 & 1 & 6 \\
        3 & |[limon]| 5 & |[limon]| 7 \\
        4 & 9 & 2 \\
        \fill[lime,draw=black] (magic-2-1.north east) -- (magic-2-1.west) -- (magic-2-1.south east) -- cycle;




enter image description here