tcolorbox: \newtcbtheorem referencing
Since tcolorbox
version 2.41 (2013/07/23), there is integrated support for the cleveref
package. You just have to move \crefname
and \Crefname
as options into \newtcbtheorem
\newtcbtheorem[auto counter, number within = section,
Crefname={Example}{Example} ]
fonttitle = \bfseries,
colframe = blue!75!black,
colback = blue!10
Some example
\Cref{exa:exam} and~\cref{exa:exam}.
The output is identical to that of the solution of Gonzalo Medina.
You need to define the format for the new object; in this case, for tcb@cnt@Example
, using something like
or any other format you want. A complete example:
\newtcbtheorem[auto counter, number within = section]
fonttitle = \bfseries,
colframe = blue!75!black,
colback = blue!10
Some example
\Cref{exa:exam} and~\cref{exa:exam}
The correct name to be used in \Crefformat
, and \crefformat
can be obtained from one of the warnings obtained in the original code using \Cref
without the proper definitions:
LaTeX Warning: Cref reference format for label type `tcb@cnt@Example' undefined on input line 21.
As of 2020-09-08, the previous offered solutions do not work anymore. The cleveref 4.31 (2020-07-31) documentation provides an example and solution to this problem on page 372: the label type optional argument is used to feed cleveref with the needed name information.
\newtcbtheorem{example}{Example}{label type=example}{exa}
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit.
Checking if \textbf{cleveref} works: \cref{exa:label} and \Cref{exa:label}.