The current branch is not configured for pull No value for key branch.master.merge found in configuration

Your local master branch is not set up to track remote master branch.

You could do git pull origin master to tell git the explicit branch you want to pull or you add this to your .git/config:

[branch "master"]
  remote = origin
  merge = refs/heads/master

When you push to master for the first time, add the -u switch (git push -u origin master). This will set everything up automatically.

As it turns out, @Michał Szajbe's answer IS the solution to the problem. The eclipse keys in question are built from the egit "working directory". Should you encounter this problem, then find the .git directory in that working directory and edit the .git/config file with a text editor, adding the section Michal describes. This is in my experience a fairly standard operation these days for cases when you first git init and push to an uninitialized remote, that creates the master branch. I haven't found a way in that case not to do the manual editing in order to git pull, even with command line git.

After the edit is saved, right click on the git repo in your egit "Git Repositories" perspective, and choose properties, you will now see this section of keys has been created (or more likely just read from the config file) and a remote master to local master git pull will operate as expected going forward.

enter image description here

It's possible that you could enter these keys and values yourself, but copying and pasting what Michal shows is certainly a lot faster and probably safer. I didn't actually try adding the keys manually through the property editor nor am I likely to, as I know this method works, and makes sense since egit is simply calling through to the local git repo.

I am also supporting some people in my office who are using Flex and the Flexbuilder editor which is built on top of eclipse and egit. These instructions are equally relevant to them.

To fix this problem in Eclipse, open the Windows menu and select Show View / Other / Git Repositories.

From the Git Repositories tab:

  • expand your local repository
  • right click on Remote
  • click on Create Remote...
  • Remote name = origin
  • next to IRI press the Change button
  • select the remote location
  • press Finish
  • press Save and Push

Again, from the Git Repositories tab:

  • right click on origin
  • select Configure Fetch...
  • on Ref mapping press the Edit (Advanced)...
  • press Add All Branches Spec
  • select the Force Update checkbox
  • press Finish

Again, from the Git Repositories tab:

  • right click on your local repository
  • select Properties
  • press New Entry...
  • enter the following two keys:


Key = branch.master.remote
Value = origin


Key = branch.master.merge
Value = refs/heads/master



