Three-column, full page index in tufte-book[twoside,symmetric]

With the document class tufte-book, a margin (of 2 inches) is reserved for sidenotes. Regarding options twoside,symmetric, the manual says:

The twoside option will modify the running heads so that the page number is printed on the outside edge (as opposed to always printing the page number on the right-side edge in oneside mode).

The symmetric option typesets the sidenotes on the outside edge of the page. This is how books are traditionally printed, but is contrary to Tufte’s book design which sets the sidenotes on the right side of the page. This option implicitly sets the twoside option.

Therefore, using option symmetric (hence twoside) induces different values for the left margin depending on the page number parity.

Using oneside option (and removing symmetric) yields the right hand side of the following screenshot (against twoside,symmetric on the left hand side).

enter image description here

On these screenshots, I've drawn a frame around the margins (using package showframe), to show that the three columns already span over the full page width. I also added other index entries to span over several columns:




\makeindex[name=artists,title={Index of artists},columns=3]



\chapter{My first chapter}

Text here

\index[artists]{Picasso0, Pablo0}
\index[artists]{Picasso1, Pablo1}
\index[artists]{Picasso2, Pablo2}
\index[artists]{Picasso3, Pablo3}
\index[artists]{Picasso4, Pablo4}
\index[artists]{Picasso5, Pablo5}
\index[artists]{Picasso6, Pablo6}
\index[artists]{Picasso7, Pablo7}
\index[artists]{Picasso8, Pablo8}
\index[artists]{Picasso9, Pablo9}
\index[artists]{Picasso10, Pablo10}
\index[artists]{Picasso11, Pablo11}
\index[artists]{Picasso12, Pablo12}
\index[artists]{Picasso13, Pablo13}
\index[artists]{Picasso14, Pablo14}
\index[artists]{Picasso15, Pablo15}
\index[artists]{Picasso16, Pablo16}
\index[artists]{Picasso17, Pablo17}
\index[artists]{Picasso18, Pablo18}
\index[artists]{Picasso19, Pablo19}
\index[artists]{Picasso20, Pablo20}
\index[artists]{Picasso21, Pablo21}
\index[artists]{Picasso22, Pablo22}
\index[artists]{Picasso23, Pablo23}
\index[artists]{Picasso24, Pablo24}
\index[artists]{Picasso25, Pablo25}
\index[artists]{Picasso26, Pablo26}
\index[artists]{Picasso27, Pablo27}
\index[artists]{Picasso28, Pablo28}
\index[artists]{Picasso29, Pablo29}
\index[artists]{Picasso30, Pablo30}
\index[artists]{Picasso31, Pablo31}
\index[artists]{Picasso32, Pablo32}
\index[artists]{Picasso33, Pablo33}
\index[artists]{Picasso34, Pablo34}
\index[artists]{Picasso35, Pablo35}
\index[artists]{Picasso36, Pablo36}
\index[artists]{Picasso37, Pablo37}
\index[artists]{Picasso38, Pablo38}
\index[artists]{Picasso39, Pablo39}
\index[artists]{Picasso40, Pablo40}
\index[artists]{Picasso41, Pablo41}
\index[artists]{Picasso42, Pablo42}
\index[artists]{Picasso43, Pablo43}
\index[artists]{Picasso44, Pablo44}
\index[artists]{Picasso45, Pablo45}
\index[artists]{Picasso46, Pablo46}
\index[artists]{Picasso47, Pablo47}
\index[artists]{Picasso48, Pablo48}
\index[artists]{Picasso49, Pablo49}
\index[artists]{Picasso50, Pablo50}
\index[artists]{Picasso51, Pablo51}
\index[artists]{Picasso52, Pablo52}
\index[artists]{Picasso53, Pablo53}
\index[artists]{Picasso54, Pablo54}
\index[artists]{Picasso55, Pablo55}
\index[artists]{Picasso56, Pablo56}
\index[artists]{Picasso57, Pablo57}
\index[artists]{Picasso58, Pablo58}
\index[artists]{Picasso59, Pablo59}
\index[artists]{Picasso60, Pablo60}
\index[artists]{Picasso61, Pablo61}
\index[artists]{Picasso62, Pablo62}
\index[artists]{Picasso63, Pablo63}
\index[artists]{Picasso64, Pablo64}
\index[artists]{Picasso65, Pablo65}
\index[artists]{Picasso66, Pablo66}
\index[artists]{Picasso67, Pablo67}
\index[artists]{Picasso68, Pablo68}
\index[artists]{Picasso69, Pablo69}
\index[artists]{Picasso70, Pablo70}
\index[artists]{Picasso71, Pablo71}
\index[artists]{Picasso72, Pablo72}
\index[artists]{Picasso73, Pablo73}
\index[artists]{Picasso74, Pablo74}
\index[artists]{Picasso75, Pablo75}
\index[artists]{Picasso76, Pablo76}
\index[artists]{Picasso77, Pablo77}
\index[artists]{Picasso78, Pablo78}
\index[artists]{Picasso79, Pablo79}
\index[artists]{Picasso80, Pablo80}
\index[artists]{Picasso81, Pablo81}
\index[artists]{Picasso82, Pablo82}
\index[artists]{Picasso83, Pablo83}
\index[artists]{Picasso84, Pablo84}
\index[artists]{Picasso85, Pablo85}
\index[artists]{Picasso86, Pablo86}
\index[artists]{Picasso87, Pablo87}
\index[artists]{Picasso88, Pablo88}
\index[artists]{Picasso89, Pablo89}
\index[artists]{Picasso90, Pablo90}
\index[artists]{Picasso91, Pablo91}
\index[artists]{Picasso92, Pablo92}
\index[artists]{Picasso93, Pablo93}
\index[artists]{Picasso94, Pablo94}
\index[artists]{Picasso95, Pablo95}
\index[artists]{Picasso96, Pablo96}
\index[artists]{Picasso97, Pablo97}
\index[artists]{Picasso98, Pablo98}
\index[artists]{Picasso99, Pablo99}

\index{oil paint}




If you absolutely want a twoside,symmetric document, use \thispagestyle command with package geometry.

EDIT Here are the complete details using the geometry and afterpage packages, thanks to this answer. Thanks also to @mac for using tikz to shorten the TeX code.





\makeindex[name=artists,title={Index of artists},columns=3]


\chapter{My first chapter}

Text here

\foreach \s in {1,2,...,200}{
\index[artists]{Picasso\s, Pablo\s}}



Produces the following (left hand side: pages 1 & 2, right hand side: pages 3 & 4). The style for the rest of the book (margins especially) remains unchanged thanks to the \restoregeometry command.

enter image description here

Based on jdhd's answer, here is an attempt by using adjmulticol for the fullwidth environment and tikz for its \foreach command. Although this work it causes another problem: The Index list doesn't change page. Maybe someone can work on that. Nevertheless I present this solution:




\makeindex[name=artists,title={Index of artists},columns=3]




\chapter{My first chapter}

Text here

\foreach \s in {1,2,...,200}{
\index[artists]{Picasso\s, Pablo\s}}

\index{oil paint}



