Apple - Three-finger trackpad gesture on Mission Control and Expose not working in my Mac Pro
This sometimes happens to me, where the 3-finger macro stops working. Seems like OSX just bugs out. My hotfix right now is to open the command line and run killall Dock
. Seems to work fine for resetting it and getting it working again.
I had the same issue on macOS Catalina (and I had it on macOS Mojave as well. The problem with Mission Control was the reason I upgraded), but it turns out it was Mission Control that not worked (would not open using keyboard either). This solved it for me;
Open a command line shell in Terminal application (search for Terminal in Spotlight if you're not familiar)
Copy and paste the following command:
defaults write mcx-expose-disabled -bool FALSE
Copy and paste the following command (restart the OSX Dock):
killall Dock