Tikz draw contour without some edges, and fill

With use TikZ library pgfplots.fillbetween


\draw[name path=A]  (0, 0.3) to [out=0,in=180] ++(5,-0.6);
\draw[name path=B]  (0,-0.3) to [out=0,in=180] ++(5, 0.6);
\tikzfillbetween[of=A and B] {fill=gray!30};

enter image description here

Quick and dirty: fill the area first and then draw what you want to draw. It is not easily possible to switch off the drawing of a part of a path (but it is possible yet considerably more effort).

  \useasboundingbox (-1,-1) rectangle (6,2);
  \path[fill=black!10] (0,1) to[out=0,in=180] ++(5,-0.6) -- ++(0,0.6) to[out=180,in=0] ++(-5,-0.6);
  \draw (0,1) to[out=0,in=180] ++(5,-0.6)++(0,0.6) to[out=180,in=0] ++(-5,-0.6);

enter image description here

You can switch the path on and off e.g. using this answer.

edge options/.code={\tikzset{edge style/.style={#1}}},
\begin{tikzpicture}[every edge/.append code = {% https://tex.stackexchange.com/a/396092/121799 
    \global\let\currenttarget\tikztotarget % save \tikztotarget in a global variable
    \pgfkeysalso{append after command={to[edge style] (\currenttarget)}}},
every edge/.append style={edge style}   ] 
  \useasboundingbox (-1,-1) rectangle (6,2);
  (0,1) [edge options={out=0,in=180,draw=black}]  edge  ++(5,-0.6) 
  -- ++(0,0.6) 
  [edge options={out=180,in=0,draw=black}] edge ++(-5,-0.6);

For comparison, with plain Metapost, where filling and drawing are kept separate, and where you can concatenate path variables directly.

    z0 = (-72, 8.5);

    path A, B;
    A = z0 {right} .. {right} z0 rotated 180;
    B = A reflectedabout(up, down);

    fill A -- B -- cycle withcolor 7/8[blue, white];
    draw A;
    draw B;

(compile with lualatex...)

enter image description here


Tikz Pgf