TikZ - Magnetic field

If you like you can adapt this drawing of mine --- the field lines are not exact, they're just qualitative: (notice that you can rotate the magnet changing \angle at the start of the picture).

\usetikzlibrary{shadings, calc, decorations.markings}
  mark=at position #1 with {\arrow{>}}},postaction={decorate}},
    \def\angle{50}% change this to rotate the magnet
    \path [use as bounding box] (-3.2,-3.2) rectangle (3.2,3.2);
    %\draw[very thin, gray!50] (-3,-3) grid (3,3);
    \draw[->](-3,0) -- (3,0) node [above] {$x$};
    \draw[->](0,-3) -- (0,3) node [right] {$z$};
    \draw[thick, color=blue] (0, 0) circle (2);
    \draw [semithick, ->] (0:1.2) arc (0:\angle:1.2);
    \node at (0.5*\angle:1.4) {$\theta$};
    \begin{scope}[gray,text=black, rotate=\angle]
        \node[draw, left color=red!60,right color=blue!60,  middle color=white, 
        rotate=\angle, shading angle=90+\angle, minimum width=1cm,
        at (0,0) (I) {};
        \draw[->-] (I.north east) .. controls (1.5,1) and (-1.5,1) ..  (I.north west);
        \coordinate (n1) at ($ (I.north east)!0.5!(I.east) $);
        \coordinate (s1) at ($ (I.north west)!0.5!(I.west) $);
        \draw[->-] (n1) .. controls (3, 2) and (-3, 2) .. (s1);
        \draw[->-] (I.east) .. controls (6,3) and (-6,3) .. (I.west);
        \draw[->-] (I.south east) .. controls (1.5,-1) and (-1.5,-1) ..  (I.south west);
        \coordinate (n2) at ($ (I.south east)!0.5!(I.east) $);
        \coordinate (s2) at ($ (I.south west)!0.5!(I.west) $);
        \draw[->-] (n2) .. controls (3, -2) and (-3, -2) .. (s2);
        \draw[->-] (I.east) .. controls (6,-3) and (-6,-3) .. (I.west);


This is the nearest thing that I got.

enter image description here

  1. Used arcs to draw the field lines and cropped using \clip.
  2. Used decorations.markings to mark arrows on field lines.
  3. The green arrows has to be improved further.

    \tikzstyle directed=[postaction={decorate,decoration={markings, % arrows on the field lines
      mark=at position .1 with {\arrowreversed[scale=1.5]{stealth}},
      mark=at position .9 with {\arrowreversed[scale=1.5]{stealth}}}}]
    \tikzstyle tangent=[postaction={decorate,decoration={markings, % Tangent to the field line
      mark=at position .7 with {\draw[ultra thick,stealth-,green!60!black,solid](-12pt,0)--(12pt,0)node[above]{$\vec{B}$};}}}]
    \tikzstyle fLines=[thick,dashed,directed,tangent]
    \def\lmag{1.8}  % length of magnet
    \def\wmag{0.4}  % thickness of magnet
    \def\nc{5}      % no. of lines = 2*\nc+1
    \coordinate (A) at (-\lmag/2,\wmag/2);
    \coordinate (B) at (\lmag/2,-\wmag/2);
    \draw[fill, color=blue](A) rectangle ++(\lmag/2,-\wmag)node[white,midway]{S};
    \draw[fill, color=red](0,-\wmag/2) rectangle ++(\lmag/2,\wmag)node[white,midway]{N};
    \clip (-5,-3) rectangle (5,3);
    \foreach \r in {1,...,\nc}{
    \draw[fLines]($(A)-(0,0.5*\r*\wmag/\nc)$) arc(({270-asin(\lmag/(2*\r))}):({-90+asin(\lmag/(2*\r))}):\r);
    \draw[fLines]($(B)+(0,0.5*\r*\wmag/\nc)$) arc(({90-asin(\lmag/(2*\r))}):({-270+asin(\lmag/(2*\r))}):\r); }
    \draw[fLines] (-\lmag/2,0) -- ++(-6,0);
    \draw[fLines] (\lmag/2,0) ++(6,0)--(\lmag/2,0);


Tikz Pgf