tikzpicture: How can I draw a loop right-below?

For example, specifying angles for in and out:

\draw (3) to [out=330,in=300,looseness=8] (3);


In tkz-graph, the loop is placed with dir=SOEA south east


enter image description here


\begin{tikzpicture}[->,>=stealth',shorten >=1pt,thick]
\tikzset{VertexStyle/.style = {draw,circle,thick,
                               minimum size=1cm,
\Vertex{1} \SOWE(1){2} \SOEA(1){3} 
\Edges(3,2,1) \Edge(3)(1)

\Loop[dist=2cm,dir=SOEA,label=$0.8$,labelstyle=below right](3)  

\path[every node/.style={swap,auto}]    (2) to node {0.1} (1)
                                            to node {0.1} (3)
                                            to node {0.1} (2); 
\draw[->] (1) to [bend right] node [above left] {0.4} (2);
% it's possible with \Edge but Tikz's syntax is allowed too.

If, like me, you want to add text above the loop created with Stefan Kottwitz's solution and you struggle doing so using \draw, here's what you could do using \path:

\path (3) edge [out=330,in=300,looseness=8] node[above] {0.8} (3);