To use local font in HTML using font face

Use the correct path for file. your path does not work on the host. because your host has no drive 'c:/...' or anythings like this. so you can use

<!DOCTYPE html>
@font-face {
    font-family: myFirstFont;

    font-family: myFirstFont;
<div>With CSS3, websites can finally use fonts other than the pre selected "web-safe" fonts.</div>
<p><b class="harlow">Note:</b> Internet Explorer 8 and earlier, do not support the @font-face rule with the WOFF format (only support for EOT format).</p>

I made the following changes and I got the result

  • Quotation marks for font-family
  • Using of URL instead of local
  • Changing of "\" to "/"

Note: Use of the local css function throws an error in the developer console saying resource is not loaded. See the modified code below.

<!DOCTYPE html>
@font-face {
    font-family: "myFirstFont";
    src: url("C:/Users/Desktop/Website/fonts/Harlow_Solid_Italic.ttf");

.harlow {
    font-family: "myFirstFont";
<div>With CSS3, websites can finally use fonts other than the pre selected "web-safe" fonts.</div>
<p><b class="harlow">Note:</b> Internet Explorer 8 and earlier, do not support the @font-face rule with the WOFF format (only support for EOT format).</p>