Transforming TypeScript into JavaScript

The TypeScript compiler is built in TypeScript, and hence is available as a JS file (tsc.js) that can be run using just about any ES3-compiliant VM or JS implementation.

That said, the compiler's current file I/O infrastructure only supports Node and Windows Scripting Host file APIs. If you'd like to recommend for support for another environment, feel free to reach out to the team at our GitHub site (Formerly CodePlex)

Concretely, on the server (assuming your server has Node.js available), you'd simply run:

node path/to/tsc.js yourFile1.ts yourFile2.ts [etc]

You can run that command without any input filenames to see the command-line help for tsc.js.

From the command line you can use ts-node:

npm install ts-node

Then call the command like this:

tsc file.ts --outFile file.js

Short version: use Node if you can. It's becoming unavoidable nowadays.

Maybe it's not the answer you want, but as everybody mentioned, the compiler is a JS file, so, your options are the options of executing a JS file.

In Windows, there are 2 obvious ones, Node, and Windows Script Host.

You know about node already, the other option is a component that comes with all versions of Windows (I think), you can do it like this:

cscript path/to/tsc.js source-file.ts

You can see all compiler options by just:

cscript path/to/tsc.js

On Linux I assume you should be able to use (in addition to node):

  • V8 standalone shell, replace node or cscript with v8-shell
  • ExecJS
  • Any other JS runner available on the selected platform (another answer mentioned Rhino for example)

Update: Another answer suggests the compiler API is only compatible with node and Windows Script Host (cscript tool), so, if correct, then on Linux you'll need Node to compile TypeScript.

If you are looking for something like apt get tsc (or whatever the Linux/Mac package managers are like), I think there isn't.

I remember reading somewhere that the I/O is optimized for Node and Windows Script Host, so, if you have problems with options, you'll probably end up with Node if seeking platform independence.

Update: Another answer here confirms the same about compatibility.