Two columns overlap in table with multirow macro

with slightly corrected your code:

enter image description here

\usepackage{amssymb}% added

\begin{tabular}{p{24mm}l p{24mm}l l@{\hspace{-7ex}}l}% changed
\ldelim\{{9}{3mm}[$\mathbb{C}$ Complejos]
    & \ldelim\{{8}{3mm}[$\mathbb{R}$ Reales]
        & \ldelim\{{7}{3mm}[$\mathbb{Q}$ Racionales]
            & \ldelim\{{6}{3mm}[$\mathbb{Z}$ Enteros]
                & \ldelim\{{2}{3mm}[$\mathbb{N}$ Naturales]
                    & $\mathbb{P}$ Primos \\
    &   &   &   &   & Compuestos \\
    &   &   &   &   & \\
    &   &   &   & $\{0\}$   & \\
    &   &   &   &   & \\
    &   &   &   & $\mathbb{Z}^-$ Enteros negativos  &   \\
    &   &   & Fraccionarios             &   & \\
    &   & $\mathbb{I}$ Irracionales     &   &   &   \\
    &   Imaginarios   &   & &   &    \\

as tikz picture (edited version):

enter image description here

\documentclass[tikz, margin=3mm]{standalone}
                calligraphy,% had to be after decorations.pathreplacing
node distance=0mm and 3mm,
every node/.style = {minimum height=4mm, text depth=0.3ex, inner sep=1pt, align=left},
        BC/.style = {decorate,
                     decoration={calligraphic brace, amplitude=6pt,
                     very thick,
                     pen colour={red}
\node (n1)                      {$\mathbb{C}$ Complejos};
\node (n2)  [above right=of n1] {$\mathbb{R}$ Reales};
\node (n3)  [above right=of n2] {$\mathbb{Q}$ Racionales};
\node (n4)  [above right=of n3] {$\mathbb{Z}$ Enteros};
\node (n5)  [above right=of n4] {$\mathbb{N}$ Naturales};
\node (n6)  [right=of n5]       {$\mathbb{P}$ Primos \\
\path   let \p1 = (n1.east),
            \p2 = (n6.north west),
            \n1 = {veclen(\y2-\y1,\x2-\x1)} in
        coordinate[below=\y2-\y1 of n1.east -| n2.west] (c1);
\node (n7)  [above right=of c1 -| n1.east]
\node (n8)  [above right=4mm and 3mm of n7.north -| n2.east]
                                {$\mathbb{I}$ Irracionales};
\node (n9)  [above right=4mm and 3mm of n8.north -| n3.east]
\node (n10) [right=of n4]       {$\{0\}$};
\node (n11) [right=of n3 -| n4.east]
                                {$\mathbb{Z}^-$ Enteros negativos};
\draw[BC]   (n6.north -| n2.west) -- (c1);
\draw[BC]   (n6.north -| n3.west) -- (n8.south west);
\draw[BC]   (n6.north -| n4.west) -- (n9.south west);
\draw[BC]   (n6.north -| n5.west) -- (n11.south west);
\draw[BC]   (n6.north west) -- (n6.south west);

Lately, I found this easy solution with cases environment

enter image description here



\mathbb{C}\text{ Complejos} 
    \mathbb{R}\text{ Reales} 
        \mathbb{Q}\text{ Racionales} 
            \mathbb{Z}\text{ Enteros}
                \mathbb{N}\text{ Naturales} 
                    \mathbb{P}\text{ Primos} \\
                \end{cases} \\
                \{0\} \\[2ex]
                \mathbb{Z}^-\text{ Enteros Negativos}
            \end{cases} \\
        \end{cases} \\
    \end{cases} \\


Define a suitable environment and then follow the stream.






$\mathbb{C}$ Complejos
  $\mathbb{R}$ Reales
    $\mathbb{Q}$ Racionales
      $\mathbb{Z}$ Enteros
        $\mathbb{N}$ Naturales
        $\{0\}$ Cero
        Enteros negativos
    $\mathbb{I}$ Irracionales

\caption{Jerarquía de números}


enter image description here