Two-dimensional array in Swift
Define mutable array
// 2 dimensional array of arrays of Ints
var arr = [[Int]]()
// 2 dimensional array of arrays of Ints
var arr: [[Int]] = []
OR if you need an array of predefined size (as mentioned by @0x7fffffff in comments):
// 2 dimensional array of arrays of Ints set to 0. Arrays size is 10x5
var arr = Array(count: 3, repeatedValue: Array(count: 2, repeatedValue: 0))
// ...and for Swift 3+:
var arr = Array(repeating: Array(repeating: 0, count: 2), count: 3)
Change element at position
arr[0][1] = 18
let myVar = 18
arr[0][1] = myVar
Change sub array
arr[1] = [123, 456, 789]
arr[0] += 234
arr[0] += [345, 678]
If you had 3x2 array of 0(zeros) before these changes, now you have:
[0, 0, 234, 345, 678], // 5 elements!
[123, 456, 789],
[0, 0]
So be aware that sub arrays are mutable and you can redefine initial array that represented matrix.
Examine size/bounds before access
let a = 0
let b = 1
if arr.count > a && arr[a].count > b {
Remarks: Same markup rules for 3 and N dimensional arrays.
From the docs:
You can create multidimensional arrays by nesting pairs of square brackets, where the name of the base type of the elements is contained in the innermost pair of square brackets. For example, you can create a three-dimensional array of integers using three sets of square brackets:
var array3D: [[[Int]]] = [[[1, 2], [3, 4]], [[5, 6], [7, 8]]]
When accessing the elements in a multidimensional array, the left-most subscript index refers to the element at that index in the outermost array. The next subscript index to the right refers to the element at that index in the array that’s nested one level in. And so on. This means that in the example above, array3D[0] refers to [[1, 2], [3, 4]], array3D[0][1] refers to [3, 4], and array3D[0][1][1] refers to the value 4.
You should be careful when you're using Array(repeating: Array(repeating: {value}, count: 80), count: 24)
If the value is an object, which is initialized by MyClass()
, then they will use the same reference.
Array(repeating: Array(repeating: MyClass(), count: 80), count: 24)
doesn't create a new instance of MyClass
in each array element. This method only creates MyClass
once and puts it into the array.
Here's a safe way to initialize a multidimensional array.
private var matrix: [[MyClass]] = MyClass.newMatrix()
private static func newMatrix() -> [[MyClass]] {
var matrix: [[MyClass]] = []
for i in 0...23 {
matrix.append( [] )
for _ in 0...79 {
matrix[i].append( MyClass() )
return matrix
Make it Generic Swift 4
struct Matrix<T> {
let rows: Int, columns: Int
var grid: [T]
init(rows: Int, columns: Int,defaultValue: T) {
self.rows = rows
self.columns = columns
grid = Array(repeating: defaultValue, count: rows * columns) as! [T]
func indexIsValid(row: Int, column: Int) -> Bool {
return row >= 0 && row < rows && column >= 0 && column < columns
subscript(row: Int, column: Int) -> T {
get {
assert(indexIsValid(row: row, column: column), "Index out of range")
return grid[(row * columns) + column]
set {
assert(indexIsValid(row: row, column: column), "Index out of range")
grid[(row * columns) + column] = newValue
var matrix:Matrix<Bool> = Matrix(rows: 1000, columns: 1000,defaultValue:false)
matrix[0,10] = true