Two tables of content

The package you need is shorttoc:

\documentclass[10pt, a4paper]{report}

\renewcommand*\contentsname{Contents (detailed)}


\shorttoc{Contents}{1} % Only sections


The important thing is that \shorttoc comes before \tableofcontents; you can specify any depth you want with the second argument.

In case you want to use hyperref, then here's how:

\documentclass[10pt, a4paper]{report}

\renewcommand*\contentsname{Contents (detailed)}



\pdfbookmark[1]{Contents (detailed)}{toc (detailed)}

Notice that you don't have to specify \shorttoc for the detailed contents, but only \tableofcontents.

Here is another solution.

Replace the first \tableofcontents with

{\expandafter\def\csname @starttoc\endcsname#1{\InputIfFileExists{\jobname.#1}{}{}}%

MWE (with hyperref)





{\expandafter\def\csname @starttoc\endcsname#1{\InputIfFileExists{\jobname.#1}{}{}}%

\renewcommand*\contentsname{Contents (detailed)}






enter image description here