Type casting within a template in Angular 2

As mentioned, using a barebone method call will have performance impact.

A better approach is to use a pipe, and you have best of both worlds. Just define a Cast pipe:

  name: 'cast',
  pure: true
export class CastPipe implements PipeTransform {  
  transform(value: any, args?: any): Event {
    return value;

and then in your template, use event | cast when you need the cast.

That way, change detection stays efficient, and typing is safe (given the requested type change is sound of course).

Unfortunately, I don't see a way to have this generic because of the name attribute, so you'd have to define a new pipe for each type.

If you don't care about type control.

In Angular 8 and higher versions


From Offical Document: https://angular.io/guide/template-typecheck#disabling-type-checking-using-any

  selector: 'my-component',
  template: '{{$any(person).addresss.street}}'
class MyComponent {
  person?: Person;

That's not possible because Event can't be referenced from within the template.

(as is also not supported in template binding expressions) You need to make it available first:

class MyComponent {
  EventType = Event;

then this should work

[(ngModel)]="(event as EventType).acknowledged"


class MyComponent {
  asEvent(val) : Event { return val; }

then use it as
