typedef for a signed type that can contain a size_t?

If you want a standard type that can contain the maximum value of the system, maybe the <cstdint> (since C++11) could help.

There's a typedef in that header that holds the maximum width integer type, the type is intmax_t. The intmax_t for signed integers, and the uintmax_t for the unsigned ones are the largest integer fully supported by the architecture.

So, let's suppose you're in a 64bit architecture, the following instruction:

std::cout << "intmax_t is same int64_t? "
          << (std::is_same<intmax_t, int64_t>::value ? "Yes" : "No");

Will output:

intmax_t is same int64_t? Yes

Live demo.

Hope it helps.

It's not possible in general to define such a type. It's perfectly legal for an implementation to make size_t the largest supported unsigned type, which would (almost certainly) mean that no signed type can hold all its values.

ptrdiff_t is not necessarily wide enough. It's the result of subtracting two pointers, but there's nothing that says a pointer subtraction cannot overflow. See section 5.7 of the C++ standard:

When two pointers to elements of the same array object are subtracted, the result is the difference of the subscripts of the two array elements. The type of the result is an implementation-defined signed integral type; this type shall be the same type that is defined as std::ptrdiff_t in the <cstddef> header (18.2). As with any other arithmetic overflow, if the result does not fit in the space provided, the behavior is undefined.

The largest signed type is intmax_t, defined in <stdint.h> or <cstdint>. That's a C99 feature, and C++11 was the first C++ standard to incorporate the C99 standard library, so your compiler might not support it (and MSVC most likely doesn't). (9 years later: that's no longer much of an issue.) If there's a signed type wide enough to hold all possible values of type size_t, then intmax_t is (though there might be a narrower signed type that also qualifies).

You can also use long long, which is a signed type guaranteed to be at least 64 bits (and most likely the same as intmax_t). Even if it's not wide enough to hold all possible values of type size_t, it will almost certainly hold all relevant values of type size_t -- unless your implementation actually supports objects bigger than 8 exabytes (that's 8192 petabytes, or 8388608 terabytes).

(Note, I'm using the binary definitions of "exa-", "peta-", and "tera-", which are of questionable validity.)

I assume you need this type for some kind of pointer arithmetic. It is very unlikely that you need anything else than std::ptrdiff_t. The only case where this will play a role on a modern machine is when you are in 32-bit mode and you are working on a data set with more than 2^31 bytes. (This won't even be possible on Windows without special work.) You won't be able to use two arrays of that size at the same time. In this case you should probably work in 64-bit mode anyways.

In 64-bit mode it will most likely not be a problem for the next 40 years or so with the current speed of memory development. And when it becomes a problem, then compile your code in 128-bit mode and it will continue to run. ;)




Size T