TypeScript convert generic object from snake to camel case

Unfortunately, something like this is not possible. Typescript in its current form does not support type keys transformation/mapping.

FWIW, I ran into some issues with the types from @ford04's answer. I found CamelCasedProperties and SnakeCasedProperties from https://github.com/sindresorhus/type-fest to work well so far.



This is possible with template literal types in TypeScript 4.1 (see also snake_case):

type SnakeToCamelCase<S extends string> =
  S extends `${infer T}_${infer U}` ?
  `${T}${Capitalize<SnakeToCamelCase<U>>}` :
type T11 = SnakeToCamelCase<"hello"> // "hello"
type T12 = SnakeToCamelCase<"hello_world"> // "helloWorld"
type T13 = SnakeToCamelCase<"hello_ts_world"> // "helloTsWorld"
type T14 = SnakeToCamelCase<"hello_world" | "foo_bar">// "helloWorld" | "fooBar"
type T15 = SnakeToCamelCase<string> // string
type T16 = SnakeToCamelCase<`the_answer_is_${N}`>//"theAnswerIs42" (type N = 42)

You then will be able to use key remapping in mapped types to construct a new record type:

type OutputType = {[K in keyof InputType as SnakeToCamelCase<K>]: InputType[K]}
  type OutputType = {
      snakeCaseKey1: number;
      snakeCaseKey2: string;


Inversion type

type CamelToSnakeCase<S extends string> =
  S extends `${infer T}${infer U}` ?
  `${T extends Capitalize<T> ? "_" : ""}${Lowercase<T>}${CamelToSnakeCase<U>}` :

type T21 = CamelToSnakeCase<"hello"> // "hello"
type T22 = CamelToSnakeCase<"helloWorld"> // "hello_world"
type T23 = CamelToSnakeCase<"helloTsWorld"> // "hello_ts_world"

Pascal case, Kebab case and inversions

Once you got above types, it is quite simple to convert between them and other cases by using intrinsic string types Capitalize and Uncapitalize:

type CamelToPascalCase<S extends string> = Capitalize<S>
type PascalToCamelCase<S extends string> = Uncapitalize<S>
type PascalToSnakeCase<S extends string> = CamelToSnakeCase<Uncapitalize<S>>
type SnakeToPascalCase<S extends string> = Capitalize<SnakeToCamelCase<S>>

For kebab case, replace _ of snake case type by -.

Convert nested properties

type SnakeToCamelCaseNested<T> = T extends object ? {
  [K in keyof T as SnakeToCamelCase<K & string>]: SnakeToCamelCaseNested<T[K]>
} : T

"Type instantiation is excessively deep and possibly infinite."

This error can happen with quite long strings. You can process multiple sub-terms in one go to limit type recursion to an acceptable range for the compiler. E.g. SnakeToCamelCaseXXL:


type SnakeToCamelCaseXXL<S extends string> =
  S extends `${infer T}_${infer U}_${infer V}` ?
  `${T}${Capitalize<U>}${Capitalize<SnakeToCamelCaseXXL<V>>}` :
  S extends `${infer T}_${infer U}` ?
  `${T}${Capitalize<SnakeToCamelCaseXXL<U>>}` :

Note: In the first condition, T and U each infer one sub-term, while V infers the rest of the string.

Update: TS 4.5 will raise type instantiation depth limit from 50 to 100, so this compiler trick is not necessary with newer versions. For more complex cases, you now can also use tail recursive evaluation.

