TypeScript React Native Flatlist: How to give renderItem the correct type of it's item?

I found a solution (though I don't know if it's ideal):

renderItem = ({ item }: { item: Emotion }) => (
  <ListItem title={item.name} checkmark={item.chosen} />

I know it's an old question but people googling it might still appreciate it.

import { FlatList, ListRenderItem } from 'react-native'
  renderItem: ListRenderItem<Emoticon> = ({ item }) => (
    <ListItem title={item.name} checkmark={item.checked} />

This is because at the time renderItem is defined, TypeScript has no way of knowing it's supposed to go as the renderItem prop of FlatList.

If you had skipped the variable and directly plopped the function in the prop, TypeScript should be able to infer it correctly:

export interface Props {
  emotions: Emotion[];

class EmotionsPicker extends PureComponent<Props> {    
  render() {
    return (
        keyExtractor={(item, index) => index}
        renderItem={({ item }) => <ListItem title={item.name} checkmark={item.checked} />}