Typescript - Why can't this string literal type be inferred?

Typescript will infer string literal types only when you assign it to a const. When you are creating object literals, the compiler will infer string for string constants not string literal types. If you assign the object literal directly to something that requires a string literal type, that is ok, as in this case the compiler just checks that the string constant is assignable to the string literal type.

The simple solution here is to specify the type argument to map, this will still preserve compiler checks on the return value from map :

const tasks = ["apples", "pears"].map<TaskDefinition>(i => {
    return {
        name: i,
        task: i,
        taskType: 'SIMPLE'

Or to use a type assertion on the string to the expected string literal type:

const tasks:TaskDefinition[] = ["apples", "pears"].map(i => {
    return {
        name: i,
        task: i,
        taskType: 'SIMPLE' as 'SIMPLE'

Edit Since typescript 3.4 (PR) you can also use an as const assertion to get the string literal type:

const tasks:TaskDefinition[] = ["apples", "pears"].map(i => {
    return {
        name: i,
        task: i,
        taskType: 'SIMPLE' as const

End Edit

You could also type assert directly on the return value, but this will disable some checks on the return value:

const tasks:TaskDefinition[] = ["apples", "pears"].map(i => {
    return <TaskDefinition>{
        wrongValue: "", // no error since we are asserting
        name: i,
        task: i,
        taskType: 'SIMPLE'


The compiler isn't narrowing 'SIMPLE' from string to TaskType, so you'll need to help it with a type assertion. There are two options for that.

Type Assertion at Object

const tasks: TaskDefinition[] = ["apples", "pears"].map(i => {
    return <TaskDefinition> {
        name: i,
        task: i,
        taskType: 'SIMPLE' // This one is not

Type Assertion at Value

const tasks: TaskDefinition[] = ["apples", "pears"].map(i => {
    return {
        name: i,
        task: i,
        taskType: <TaskType>'SIMPLE' // This one is not

I see three ways of fixing this:

return {
        name: i,
        task: i,
        taskType: 'SIMPLE'
    } as TaskDefinition;


const tasks: TaskDefinition[] = ["apples", "pears"].map(i => {
    return {
        name: i,
        task: i,
        taskType: 'SIMPLE'
}) as TaskDefinition[];


const tasks: TaskDefinition[] = ["apples", "pears"].map(i => {
    return {
        name: i,
        task: i,
        taskType: 'SIMPLE' as TaskType

As to why, I'm not completely sure. Why not use string enums in place of the custom string type?