Typesetting Babylonian numerals?

There is a paleo-babylonian font on this page. Using fontspec with XeTeX or LuaTex and things like \char"1240D, you could easily typeset what you need.

Here is a quick example for XeTeX.

Note: It turns out that the font doc is wrong (Ah! If they used TeX to generate it...) and 9 is actually mapped at 1240E, quite logically. Also, 20 seems to be missing while 30 is mapped several times for some reason, so I'm doing 20 with 2 "10" glyphs and a bit of kerning. I'm also adjust kerning between tens and units.





  \babydisp{1230B} %10
  \babydisp{1230B}\kern-1.5pt{}\babydisp{1230B} %20 -- unknown?
  \babydisp{1230D} %30
  \babydisp{1240F} %40
  \babydisp{12410} %50
  \babydisp{12079} %1
  \babydisp{1222B} %2
  \babydisp{12408} %3
  \babydisp{120FB} %4
  \babydisp{1240A} %5
  \babydisp{1240B} %6
  \babydisp{1240C} %7
  \babydisp{1240D} %8
  \babydisp{1240E} %9


%\noindent\foreach \n in {1,...,59}{%

\noindent\foreach \n in {1,...,20}{%
\noindent\foreach \n in {21,...,40}{%
\noindent\foreach \n in {41,...,59}{%
\end{minipage} \hfill


babylonian with adjusted kerning

Edit: There is now a package on CTAN, so you can use it as follows:




\noindent\foreach \n in {1,...,20}{%
\noindent\foreach \n in {21,...,40}{%
\noindent\foreach \n in {41,...,59}{%
\end{minipage} \hfill


Edit: Version 0.4 of the package allows to typeset numbers beyond 59 (up to 60^9 = 1.0077696 × 10^16 in theory, although I think TeX will give up before that).

Wikipedia also has the two needed symbols as SVG vector graphics:

You can turn them rather easily to PDF using e.g. inkscape --export-pdf=<pdf> <svg>. Then position them in the shown way for all numbers from 1-59. For larger numbers you would need to add some loop.

It is also possible to make your own font as shown in Create a symbol font from SVG symbols.


