Typesetting handwritten "n/a" symbol
On the beautiful suggestion of the user @Marijn use the command \reflectbox
to mirror the request symbol. Obviously you won't have the effect you should since your image refers to an old manuscript. May I suggest to use the Zapfino
font package using fontspec
pakage and compiling with XeLaTeX
or LuaLaTeX
Here there is a MWE with Zapfino
Here there is a simple version that you can compile with pdflatex
. You to have low quote could to use \usepackage[ngerman]{babel}
with the reflect symbol \nglqq
instead of the standard low quote \glqq
\begin{tabular}{r r r r r}
Søborg: 15 Gaarde à & 6 Td. & 4 Sk. & \glqq Fdk. & \nglqq Alb. \\
foruden Præstegaardens & 10 --- & 5 --- & \nglqq --- & 2 --- \\
og Kongens Kirkejord & 3 --- & 1 --- & \glqq --- & \glqq --- \\