UItableViewCell imageview changing on select

I have come across this problem but I have no imageView property inside my custom UITableViewCell.

In fact I did make a stupid mistake by connecting an extra IBOutlet from my imageView object to the default imageView property of UITableViewCell. It is because I initially named my image view imageView, but then I changed it and forget about the outlet.

extra outlet

After removing the outlet, everything works fine.

Just in case someone else, like me, come upon this issue where non of the above worked.

I too had named my UIImageView: imageView. But, for some reason, even after renaming it, the problem persisted. I tried everything I could think of, Reset Simulator, Clean Project, adding removing constrains....

As it turns out, simply deleting the UIImageView from the Storyboard and dragging a new one fixed it.

Couldn't have been a precompiled issue because I cleaned the project. Go figure.

I've face exactly the same issue as you,and I fix

the issue is cause by you named your imageView "imageView"

i don't know why

if you change your imageView name like "m_imageView"

the issue fixed

It's all about naming!