Uncaught TypeError: Vue.component is not a function

For any one who has the same issue and is not related to Laravel.

Hint: using Vue 3+

Register the component globally:

const MyComponent = {
  // ... options ...

// if you do not have App component
Vue.createApp({}).component("my-component", MyComponent).mount("#app");

// if you have an App component
const App = {
  // ... options ...
const app = Vue.createApp(App);
app.component("my-component", MyComponent);

Please refer to Documentation for more info

import vue properly in your code using import keyword like this:

//import vue
import Vue from 'vue';

//register component

//initialize vue
const app = new Vue({
    el: '#app',

After an update from laravel-mix 5.0.9 to laravel-mix 6.0.11 on a laravel 7 project it started to see this error on vue compiled views. I change the call the Vue package:

Use import Vue from 'vue' instead of window.Vue = require("vue"); worked for me.