understanding the dangers of sprintf(...)

You're correct on both problems, though they're really both the same problem (which is accessing data beyond the boundaries of an array).

A solution to your first problem is to instead use std::snprintf, which accepts a buffer size as an argument.

A solution to your second problem is to give a maximum length argument to snprintf. For example:

char buffer[128];

std::snprintf(buffer, sizeof(buffer), "This is a %.4s\n", "testGARBAGE DATA");

// std::strcmp(buffer, "This is a test\n") == 0

If you want to store the entire string (e.g. in the case sizeof(buffer) is too small), run snprintf twice:

int length = std::snprintf(nullptr, 0, "This is a %.4s\n", "testGARBAGE DATA");

++length;           // +1 for null terminator
char *buffer = new char[length];

std::snprintf(buffer, length, "This is a %.4s\n", "testGARBAGE DATA");

(You can probably fit this into a function using va or variadic templates.)

Both of your assertions are correct.

There's an additional problem not mentioned. There is no type checking on the parameters. If you mismatch the format string and the parameters, undefined and undesirable behavior could result. For example:

char buf[1024] = {0};
float f = 42.0f;
sprintf(buf, "%s", f);  // `f` isn't a string.  the sun may explode here

This can be particularly nasty to debug.

All of the above lead many C++ developers to the conclusion that you should never use sprintf and its brethren. Indeed, there are facilities you can use to avoid all of the above problems. One, streams, is built right in to the language:

#include <sstream>
#include <string>

// ...

float f = 42.0f;

stringstream ss;
ss << f;
string s = ss.str();

...and another popular choice for those who, like me, still prefer to use sprintf comes from the boost Format libraries:

#include <string>
#include <boost\format.hpp>

// ...

float f = 42.0f;
string s = (boost::format("%1%") %f).str();

Should you adopt the "never use sprintf" mantra? Decide for yourself. There's usually a best tool for the job and depending on what you're doing, sprintf just might be it.


