Understanding when and why to use different Android threads

The Android docs on this are very good, as with most things.

The upshot is: the UI should always be responsive. So if you have some operation that will take enough time that the user will notice, you might want to consider not running it in the UI thread. Some common examples are network IO and database accesses. It's something of a case-by-case basis though, so you have to make the call for yourself a bit.

Well, if building the list of objects is not a relatively short process, doing it in onCreate() would be blocking/slowing the main thread. If you use a separate thread, it will allow the android os to load all of the UI elements while you are waiting for the list to be populated. Then when the list of objects is ready, you can instantly populate the already initialized UI, as opposed to waiting to initialize the UI until after the list of objects is built. It ensures that your application will always be responsive for the user.

