Unix Command to Delete all files in a directory but preserve the directory

rm -i <directory>/*

this should do the trick

EDIT: added -i just in case (safety first). directory should be a full or relative path (e.g. /tmp/foo or ../trash/stuffs)

you can remove all the files form the current directory using rm * if you want to remove from a specific directory, type rm /path/*


rm -r yourDirectory/*

it deletes all file inside the "yourdirectory" directory

You can use find /path/to/your/folder/ -delete to delete everything within that folder.

While a wildcard rm would braek with too many files ("Argument list too long"), this works no matter how many files there are.

You can also make it delete only files but preserve any subdirectories:

find /path/to/your/folder/ -type f -delete

You could also specify any other criteria find supports to restrict the "results".

