Unlocking lock owned by another thread java

You've discovered a major reason why common wisdom says: Don't kill threads!

Locks are only one of the potential resource leaks that can happen if you forcibly kill a thread. Consider open files and sockets, etc.

Also consider that if you did manage to unlock the lock, there was a reason the lock was locked in the first place. For example, the thread may have partially updated a data structure, and allowing access to that structure from another thread is likely to cause strange and wondrous program failures that are difficult if not impossible to debug.

The best way to handle this situation is to ask the thread to go away. Add a "stop()" method to the object associated with the thread (you do have an object for each thread, don't you?) that sets a flag, and have the thread check this flag regularly and exit if it is set.

If your threads are misbehaving in a way that prevents them from checking the stop flag, then the correct approach is to fix the code so that it does not misbehave.

Would you be allowed to use your own Lock? Here's a class that completely proxies the Lock but when it is told to force the unlock it merely replaces the lock it is proxying with a new one. This should have the effect you want. Sadly it still does not deal with the locks that are left dangling but that now becomes somebody else's problem. Your locks are now magically unlocked.

static class LockProxy<L extends Lock> implements Lock {

    // The actual lock.
    private volatile Lock lock;

    public LockProxy(L lock) {
        // Trap the lock we are proxying.
        this.lock = lock;

    public void lock() {
        // Proxy it.

    public void lockInterruptibly() throws InterruptedException {
        // Proxy it.

    public boolean tryLock() {
        // Proxy it.
        return lock.tryLock();

    public boolean tryLock(long l, TimeUnit tu) throws InterruptedException {
        // Proxy it.
        return lock.tryLock(l, tu);

    public void unlock() {
        // Proxy it.

    public Condition newCondition() {
        // Proxy it.
        return lock.newCondition();

    // Extra functionality to unlock from any thread.
    public void forceUnlock() {
        // Actually just replace the perhaps locked lock with a new one.
        // Kinda like a clone. I expect a neater way is around somewhere.
        if (lock instanceof ReentrantLock) {
            lock = new ReentrantLock();
        } else {
            throw new UnsupportedOperationException(
                "Cannot force unlock of lock type "
                    + lock.getClass().getSimpleName());