- Use the `$(inherited)` flag, or - Remove the build settings from the target. CocoaPod Swift3 pod update error

  1. Target - > building settings- >ALWAYS_EMBED_SWIFT_STANDARD_LIBRARIES, Value type is Boolean, click on the other, change the value to $(inherited)
  2. perform - pod update
  3. Done

This worked for me:


  1. Go to Build Settings
  2. Search for "Runpath Search Paths".
  3. Double click the value field and add $(inherited)
  4. Product -> Clean Build Folder

Run the cocoapods command in the terminal and things should go fine this time.

  1. Target - > build settings- > BuildOptions-> Validate Build Product, Here the Debug value type is Boolean, Click here to change the value No to YES

  2. Perform - Build Clean

  3. Done