Using C++ library in C code

Yes, this is certainly possible. You will need to write an interface layer in C++ that declares functions with extern "C":

extern "C" int foo(char *bar)
    return realFoo(std::string(bar));

Then, you will call foo() from your C module, which will pass the call on to the realFoo() function which is implemented in C++.

If you need to expose a full C++ class with data members and methods, then you may need to do more work than this simple function example.

C++ FAQ Lite: "How to mix C and C++ code".

Some gotchas are described in answers to these questions:

  • [32.8] How can I pass an object of a C++ class to/from a C function?
  • [32.9] Can my C function directly access data in an object of a C++ class?




