using counter with nested dictionaries in python

From your edit, it sounds like you are just trying to sum the values of all the sub-dicts, by the parent dict:

In [9]: counts = Counter()

In [10]: for dd in data:
    ...:     for k,v in dd.items():
    ...:         counts[k] += sum(v.values())

In [11]: counts
Out[11]: Counter({'25-34': 30, '45-54': 12})

Fundamentally, this is an unwieldy data-structure.

OK, given your last update, I think the easiest thing would be to go with a defaultdict with a Counter factory:

In [17]: from collections import Counter, defaultdict

In [18]: counts = defaultdict(Counter)

In [19]: for dd in data:
    ...:     for k, d in dd.items():
    ...:         counts[k].update(d)

In [20]: counts
            {'25-34': Counter({'Clicks': 30, 'Visits': 4}),
             '45-54': Counter({'Clicks': 12, 'Visits': 6})})

