Using fancyhdr to create an image based header and footer

I found a better solution using the wallpaper package, replacing foo and bar produces the desired result.



If you are not stuck on using fancyhdr, you could adapt the solution from How do I add an image in the upper, left-hand corner using TikZ and graphicx which uses the background package:

enter image description here


  • Need at least two runs to see the images.




\newcommand{\MyGraphicLogo}{% For imported graphic logo
\begin{tikzpicture}[remember picture,overlay]
  \node at (current page.north) {\includegraphics[width=\paperwidth,height=4cm]{foo}};
  \node at (current page.south) {\includegraphics[width=\paperwidth,height=4cm]{bar}};

\SetBgContents{\MyGraphicLogo}% Select included image

\SetBgPosition{current page.north west}% Select location
\SetBgOpacity{1.0}% Select opacity
\SetBgAngle{0.0}% Select roation of logo
\SetBgScale{1.0}% Select scale factor of logo

\section*{Lorem Ipsum}

I think the command you are looking for is \fancyhfoffset. The left side seems needs to increase by \oddsidemargin + \hoffset + 1in and the right side needs to increase by \evensidemargin + \marginparwidth - \marginparsep (this is surprising to me I thought it would have been plus \marginparsep).



\fancyhfoffset[L]{\oddsidemargin + \hoffset + 1in}
\fancyhfoffset[R]{\evensidemargin + \marginparwidth - \marginparsep}

First page


Second page