Using "$" in Groovy

Work in side Jenkins File in pipeline enter image description here

#!/usr/bin/env groovy
          stage ('print'){
             def DestPath="D\$\\"

$ is not an operator in Groovy. In string substitution it identifies variables within the string - there's no magic there. It's a common format used for inline variables in many template and programming languages.

All special Groovy operators are listed here:

Grails does not extend the usage of $ beyond Groovy. Here are two practical usages of $

String Interpolation

Within a GString you can use $ without {} to evaluate a property path, e.g.

def date = new Date()
println "The time is $date.time"

If you want to evaluate an expression which is more complex than a property path, you must use ${}, e.g.

println "The time is ${new Date().getTime()}"

Dynamic Code Execution

Dynamically accessing a property

def prop = "time"
new Date()."$prop"

Dynamically invoking a method

def prop = "toString"
new Date()."$prop"()

As pointed out in the comments this is really just a special case of string interpolation, because the following is also valid

new Date().'toString'()

In a GString (groovy string), any valid Groovy expression can be enclosed in the ${...} including method calls etc.

This is detailed in the following page.


