Using OR logic on an array as argument in Sumproduct

Even though this has been done hundreds of times before, hey maybe microsoft switched up the formulas or something.

I am partial to the method Jerry and Me suggested as they are simple as hell and concise, but you pay a heavy performance cost.

Tom's formula looks ugly to me but was fastest by far, about 4x faster than my initial example. We were able to incorporate the {}s with Tom's formula, but to get it to work we had to wrap the sumifs function with a sum function. This slowed down the formula considerably but made it prettier.

z32a7ul had a great solution too. I really like the use of -- and learned how to use |s to search for a text and only that text. At first glance I thought that it would not work on a number such as 2323 but it does.

Mock up example was as follows:

A1:A5000 was filled with LandgeBruik,

B1:B5000 was filled with 40's

C1:5000 was filled with 1's.

The results:


19.186031 seconds elapsed | 59,818,073 ticks


26.124411 seconds elapsed | 81,450,506 ticks


21.111835 seconds elapsed | 65,822,330 ticks


6.732804 seconds elapsed | 20,991,490 ticks


16.954528 seconds elapsed | 52,860,709 ticks


11.822379 seconds elapsed | 36,859,729 ticks

You can use text search for this:

--NOT(ISERROR(FIND('Raw data'!O:O,"2021222340")))

But you have to be careful that a shorter ID is not found incorrectly in a longer ID, e.g. if you want to search among the IDs { 123, 456, 789 } then 12 is not considered to be among the IDs. So a simple text search like the above would not work. You need a delimiter character to break up the string of IDs. Usually I use the pipe character for this purpose, since I cannot remember any case when it occurred in the original text of an Excel file, and because it makes the formula human-readable:

--NOT(ISERROR(FIND("|"&'Raw data'!O:O&"|","|20|21|22|23|40|")))


'Raw data'!O:O is 20 => |21| is found in |20|21|22|23|40|

'Raw data'!O:O is 2 => |2| is not found in |20|21|22|23|40|

(If your IDs may include the pipe character, then you can use CHR(1), a long forgotten ASCII code for SOH meaning start of header; of course, it's less readable.)

The whole formula:

=SUMPRODUCT(--('Raw data'!C:C=Landgebruik!A2),--NOT(ISERROR(FIND("|"&'Raw data'!O:O&"|","|20|21|22|23|40|"))),'Raw data'!S:S)

(Sorry, my Excel uses , instead of ;)

You could split it into two SUMIFS as mentioned in the comment. If all values are integers, then comparing 'Raw data'!O:O to 20,21,22 and 23 is the same as testing it for >=20 and <=23. The value 40 has to be done separately.

=SUMIFS('Raw Data'!S:S,'Raw Data'!C:C,Landgebruik!A2,'Raw Data'!O:O,">="&20,'Raw Data'!O:O,"<="&23)
+SUMIFS('Raw Data'!S:S,'Raw Data'!C:C,Landgebruik!A2,'Raw Data'!O:O,40)

in my locale


=SUMIFS('Raw Data'!S:S;'Raw Data'!C:C;Landgebruik!A2;'Raw Data'!O:O;">="&20;'Raw Data'!O:O;"<="&23)
+SUMIFS('Raw Data'!S:S;'Raw Data'!C:C;Landgebruik!A2;'Raw Data'!O:O;40)

in your locale.

This only works when several of the criteria are consecutive integers.

Speed considerations

SUMIFS is thought to be about five times faster than sumproduct so may be the preferred option for large datasets as demonstrated here

You could argue that the more general suggestion of (effectively) five SUMIFS within a SUM from @ BrakNicku should be about as fast as one SUMPRODUCT, but the SUM(SUMIFS) would probably still win because formulas like SUMIFS handle full-column references more efficiently than array formulas.