Using PhoneGap FileWriter.write for "big" files

I found the answer.

Crash reason: PhoneGap FileWrite.write cannot handle too big buffer, do not know exact size, I think this issue is due to PG transfer data to iOS through URL Scheme, somehow it crash when "URL" is too long.

How to fix it: write small block every time, code below:

function gotFileWriter(writer) {
  function writeFinish() {
    // ... your done code here...

  var written = 0;
  var BLOCK_SIZE = 1*1024*1024; // write 1M every time of write
  function writeNext(cbFinish) {
    var sz = Math.min(BLOCK_SIZE, data.byteLength - written);
    var sub = data.slice(written, written+sz);
    written += sz;
    writer.onwrite = function(evt) {
      if (written < data.byteLength)

UPDATE Aug 12,2014:

In my practice, the performance of saving file through Cordova FileSystem is not good, especially for large file(>5M) on phone, it takes a few seconds. If you are downloading file from server to local disk, you may want a "efficient and direct" way, try cordova-plugin-file-transfer plugin.

@Imskull's answer is the correct one ... i just want to put in the one for Blob (make sure it is blob and not arraybuffer) which is updated based on the one on top ... what i also added was a line to assure myself i am adding to the end of file ... it is more than enough to make ur app stop crashing (on ios mainly :P )

function gotFileWriter(writer) {
  function writeFinish() {
    // ... your done code here...

  var written = 0;
  var BLOCK_SIZE = 1*1024*1024; // write 1M every time of write
  function writeNext(cbFinish) {
    writer.onwrite = function(evt) {
      if (written < data.size)
    if (written);
    writer.write(data.slice(written, written + Math.min(BLOCK_SIZE, data.size - written)));
    written += Math.min(BLOCK_SIZE, data.size - written);